How to Setup with Peak GUI


For this tutorial, you’ll need to have already followed the following tutorials:

Following the guides above will ensure you have the necessary tools and configurations to proceed with this tutorial.


TezPeak GUI supports using TezBake and TezPay simultaneously or by themselves. To run them at the same time simply combine both configurations in the same file as shown here:

Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the full configuration example.

Download and install TezPeak via TezBake

tezbake setup --peak

You don’t need to install the TezBake node or baker services to use TezPay.

Setup TezPeak configuration

cd /bake-buddy/peak/ && touch config.hjson

Open the config.hjson file with your favorite text editor.

Sample TezPeak configuration

Here’s an example of a minimal TezPeak config.hjson file with just TezPay configured:

 app_root: /bake-buddy
 modules: {
     tezpay: {
         payout_wallet: tz1X7U9XxVz6NDxL4DSZhijME61PW45bYUJE
Full TezPeak configuration examples

Here’s the TezPeak configuration with all available TezPay options:

 # Id to show in the header
 id: ""
 # Address to listen on
 app_root: /bake-buddy
 modules: {
     tezpay: {
 		# can be null to disable tezpay package monitoring
         applications: {
 			# path to tezpay ami package, either absolute or relative to parent directory peak
             tezpay: tezpay
         payout_wallet: tz1X7U9XxVz6NDxL4DSZhijME61PW45bYUJE
         payout_wallet_preferences: {
             balance_warning_threshold: 100
             balance_error_threshold: 50
 		# forces all operations to be dry run
         force_dry_run: true
 # List of reference nodes to connect to
 # The reference nodes are used to get the rights and blocks if the baker's node is not available
 nodes: {
     "Tezos Foundation": {
         is_rights_provider: true
         is_block_provider: false
     tzkt: {
         is_rights_provider: false
         is_block_provider: true
         # reports error if node not available, use for baker's node
         is_essential: false
 # The mode tezpeak should operate in
 # auto - if bound to localhost, it will operate in private mode if not, it will operate in public mode
 # public - assumes public environment, only readonly operations are allowed
 # private - assumes private environment, all operations are allowed
 mode: auto

Start TezPeak and connect to it

tezbake start --peak

If you’re connecting to the TezPeak GUI from a different computer, you’ll need to open a web browser and navigate to http://<your-baker-ip>:8733.

If you’re connecting from the same computer, you can use or http://localhost:8733.

TezPeak example screenshot

Any questions/comments/concerns? Please contact the Tez Capital team on Discord or Telegram